Thursday, August 02, 2007

Words from Tuesday

So, I'm taking my sister's Wordless Wednesday from last week and turning it into "Words from Tuesday" this week. I've been in Nashville for a couple of days and have been spending as much time with my favorite little man as possible.

My favorite Liam story this week - I invited Liam to spend the night with me on Monday night when I got in town so we could play Tuesday morning. I was taking him to meet Carol for lunch on Tuesday. He was sitting in his carseat in the back seat eating Crispix cereal on the way when all of a sudden pieces of wet Crispix come flying at me in the front from out of his mouth. I turned around and asked, "What was that?" and he answered, "WIND!"

What a JOY!


J said...

Little man is already learning how to be devious. Teach him well.

Dawn said...


I love it, love it, love it!