Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My hilarious sister

Scott & Carol have the most hilarious sense of humor and wit. It amazes me. This video was taken over a year ago when Carol was in the early stages of labor with Liam. They've recently put it on You Tube because of the large number of people who have begged them to see it. I was lucky enough to see it in real life (as you'll see in the video) but it is equally as funny now! ENJOY!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day of School

Classes started at Ole Miss today. It was a strange feelings as the three new PhD students, Russell, Alex & Miriam had their first statistics class and I didn't have to go. I start class tomorrow - both as a student and as an instructor. We took a few pictures around the graduate office today to document the momentous occasion!

1st years - Russell, Alex & Miriam

I'm the only 2nd year

Jacob - 4th year (the last year)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Words from Tuesday

So, I'm taking my sister's Wordless Wednesday from last week and turning it into "Words from Tuesday" this week. I've been in Nashville for a couple of days and have been spending as much time with my favorite little man as possible.

My favorite Liam story this week - I invited Liam to spend the night with me on Monday night when I got in town so we could play Tuesday morning. I was taking him to meet Carol for lunch on Tuesday. He was sitting in his carseat in the back seat eating Crispix cereal on the way when all of a sudden pieces of wet Crispix come flying at me in the front from out of his mouth. I turned around and asked, "What was that?" and he answered, "WIND!"

What a JOY!